royalty free rock songs
Studio 66
Professional Royalty Free Rock Songs at an affordable Price!
Highly curated collection of exclusive royalty free rock music written, recorded, produced and mastered by industry professionals guaranteeing the best quality of songwriting and production.
​Studio 66 is one of the industry’s premier royalty free rock music libraries supplying music to major television networks, movie studios, gaming studios and streaming tv channels such as Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu and many more. Studio 66 can also be used as a youtube audio library for smaller projects or anyone looking for copyright free music.
Are you looking for real Rock songs written by real Rock musicians? Then you've come to the right place!
Studio 66 is owned and operated by the very musicians, producers, and engineers that create the music in it's library guaranteeing the best quality of songwriting and production that you only get from a big production studio. We are artists and creative types ourselves and can truly appreciate how special and important every single project is.
Individual song files are $29 each.
Each song has five different versions included in the download. For more information on the song versions, view song versions chart.
All copyright free music files are 48k, 24bit Wav.
You can download the "water marked" mp3 version of each Royalty Free Rock song by clicking on the music note to the left the track.
Alternate Song Versions
(All Songs Are 48k, 24bit wav files)
FULL - (Full) The song in its original state that you hear in the streaming sample.
NO MELODY - (No Mel) The instrument performing the main melody or hook of the song is muted in this version.
NO MELODY, NO DRUMS - (No Mel Drm) The instrument performing the main melody or hook of the song as well as the drums and percussion are muted in this version.
NO DRUMS - (No Drm) All drums and percussion are muted in this version.
DRUMS AND BASS - (Drm Bass) This version has everything muted except the drums and bass guitar.
*Not all songs have alternate versions. One's without will be labeled as such.
royalty free music for commercial use
Royalty free music licenses are the primary way artists can receive royalties for their music, by giving legal permission to someone who’d like to use their work. In general, there are six types of licenses that someone can use for various purposes. They are: synchronization license, mechanical license, master license, public performance license, print rights license, and theatrical license.
The uses of original works can range from sheet music reproduction to theater productions all the way to jukeboxes and major motion pictures. Because copyrighted material needs written permission from the author to be used, people seeking to use the work must get a music license. In general, if you’re using a song (that’s not yours) for something that other people will hear, you need a music license to use it. This royalty free music license will include the usage and term rights, which determines how the song will be used. You can learn more about music usage rights here and about music copyrights here.
Here are the six major forms of royalty free music licenses, along with how they’re used in a practical sense.
Synchronization License (Sync License)
This method of licensing refers to music that is going to be paired with some form of visual media. It has a broad range of uses, including TV commercials, studio films, streaming advertisements, personal films, internal communications, and more.
Mechanical License
A mechanical license is needed for any physical reproduction of an artist’s work. Primarily this refers to the manufacturing of CDs or distribution of music in any tangible form. Artists, aka copyright holders, will have agreements with record labels, distributors, and publishers on the mechanical terms of their music, and are generally paid per-copy.
A mechanical license is also needed if you are planning on recording a cover song, even if only a portion of the original song is used. This also includes adding your own lyrics, re-mixing, or changing anything about the original recording that affects the overall integrity of the artists' composition.
Master License
Master licenses are a bit more complex than most others, in that they’re similar to sync licenses but not quite as broad-ranging. A master right is held by the person who owns the recording of a song. The master license gives the user permission to use a pre-recorded version of a song in a visual or audio project, but does not allow a user to re-record a song for a project (i.e. to cover or edit a song). Generally a master license is issued in conjunction with a sync license.
Public Performance License
This license is perhaps the most common form of royalty free music license issued today. While ‘performance’ may be a limiting term, it applies generally to any broadcast of an artist’s work. This includes businesses who play music in their store, jukeboxes, or any other form of public performance — all the way up to concerts. Performing rights organizations (PROs) such as BMI, SESAC, and ASCAP generally manage public performance licenses and issue music royalties to artists on a per-use basis.
Print Rights License
This license refers to the physical copy of the sheet music that an artist has created. It’s needed when someone prints a sheet music compilation, or any time the sheet music of copyrighted work is reproduced.
Theatrical License
Also a very specific form of written permission, theatrical licenses are very common in the theater industry. The license is required any time a copyrighted work is performed on-stage in front of an audience.
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