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royalty free rock songs

Royalty Free Rock Song Styles

royalty free rock songs
royalty free rock songs
royalty free rock songs
royalty free rock songs
royalty free rock songs

Our highly curated collection of exclusive royalty free rock songs are written, recorded, produced and mastered by industry professionals guaranteeing the best quality of songwriting and production.​ Studio 66 is one of the industry’s premier royalty free music library’s supplying music to major television networks, movie studios, gaming studios and streaming tv channels such as Netflix, Prime Video and Hulu. 


All songs on Studio 66 are royalty free and are $29.00

Each song comes with five versions or "stems." The full version, plus additional alternate mix versions to make our songs more flexible and better help fit your needs and . 

The list of versions as well as their naming conventions are listed below.


Music previews, available for free download on the Studio 66 Royalty Free Rock Songs website, are for testing, demo, and client approval purposes only. 


For information on custom royalty free music by Studio 66, click here. 


Are you a song writer wanting to submit your music to Studio 66 Royalty Free Music? click here for more information. 


royalty free rock songs

royalty free rock songs

Studio 66

X You cannot Claim our music as your own.                                        X You cannot Register our music in any store/platform.

X You cannot use our music for Audio Podcasts or AudioBooks.       X You cannot modify, add lyrics, or make remixes with our music.




General Guidlines

Each music track is licensed to you for specific use, not sold. The license does not transfer the copyright of the music to you.

The license expressly forbids resale, re-licensing, or other distribution of the music, either as is, or any modification thereof.

Music previews, available for free download on the Studio 66 Royalty Free Music website, are for testing, demo, and client approval purposes only and cannot be used for any other purpose including, but not limited to any commercial, advertisements, digital media or video synchronization use.



Limitations of Use

You may not:

  • sell, transfer, sublicense, share, give away or otherwise assign the Recordings or your rights granted hereunder to any other party.

  • resell the Recording by itself or as part of a package except solely as embodied within your Project.

  • resell the Recording (or otherwise make it available) in any manner that would enable a third party to download the Recording as a separate file, such as in e-card templates or website templates.

  • resell the Recording (or otherwise make it available) as part of any competing product such as music compilation or music library.

  • sell the Recording (or otherwise make it available) as, or as part of, your music or as your song, even if it has been transformed or edited, or if you add other instruments or vocals to the music.

  • claim to be the creator or copyright holder of the Recording or of any derivative work created from the Recording.






You hereby acknowledge that Studio 66 is and remains the owner of all right, title and interest in the Recording, including without limitation any copyrights therein. The Recording is protected by and subject to United States and international copyright laws. This license is non-exclusive and Studio 66 retains the right to sell licenses of the Recording to third parties at its sole discretion.




Alternate Song Versions

(All Songs Are 48k, 24bit wav files)



FULL - (Full) The song in its original state that you hear in the streaming sample.


NO MELODY - (No Mel) The instrument performing the main melody or hook of the song is muted in this version. 


NO MELODY, NO DRUMS - (No Mel Drm) The instrument performing the main melody or hook of the song as well as the drums and percussion are muted in this version. 


NO DRUMS - (No Drm) All drums and percussion are muted in this version.


DRUMS AND BASS  - (Drm Bass) This version has everything muted except the drums and bass guitar. 


*Not all songs have alternate versions. One's without will be labeled as such. 

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